Thursday, May 03, 2007

Update on Homer, now Leo

Homer's name has been changed to Leo. His new family sent us an update:

"Leo (Homer) is doing great. As we rounded our one month point, it has been trying, but now that we have him, we can't imagine a day without him. He loves all the neighbors and dogs too. He is teething, but some toys and soft ice helps that. He loves chasing the cats and they are really warming up to him as well. The vet said that there is a possibility that he may have some lab in him as well. In a few weeks we are going to start going out to the "doggie park" which is a huge fenced in park for dogs. Every where we go, we get stopped because people think he is the most adorable thing - which is true :) Just last night we were at a softball game and the
umpire couldn't wait for the game to be over so he can come over and play with him! We are always looking for updates on his mom and siblings so we can tell him about them. We always recommend Harnessed to Hope to people looking to adopt dogs because of the wonderful people and dogs involved with this agency. Thank you for allowing Leo to find us and for us to find him."

Isn't that wonderful? Congratulations to Leo!


Jean-Luc Picard said...

Will he have an identity crisis with his name changed?

Michele sent me here.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have Leo's Brother Hubert! I just love him to death!! How is LEO doing with his house training? Hubert hasn't had an accident, and is doing so well! I can't believe it!!! He is a "chewer" but does listen and mainly chews his doggy toys!