Sunday, July 22, 2007

Yoji Loves His New Home!

click to enlargeWe got an email from Yoji's new dad, here is what he had to say:

"Yoji is doing wonderfully. So far we have and are still adapting well to each other. Yoji is pretty well behaved and smart enough to still learn new things. I've worked quite a bit with Yoji the last couple months and he has just been marvelous as far as I'm concerned. For example, you had warned me about him getting into trash and he did quite a bit at first but it rarely happens now. Yoji also didn't seem to understand or just flat out didn't want to "COME" when I would call him and he pretty much comes every time I call him now. With some persistence on my part,some encouraging/discouraging words and a handfull of small treats Yoji has pretty much learned everything I've taught him.

Yoji and Sheba have become just the best of friends. They pretty much hit it off right from beginning and have just been chums ever since. They play like there's no tomorrow untill they burn themselves out then they lay down together exchange a couple of doggy kisses and roll over feet straight up and crash side by side. It is just so adorable.

I've attached a few photos of them. Feel free to post them.

I've also set up a page on myspace and there are a lot of pics of them there. Thier address is

So overall I think everyone is happy. Yoji has adapted well and seems to be pretty comfotable here.Theres been no major behaviorial issues with him. I did get him a crate and he loves it. He was actually yipeing excitedly when I was assembling it like he knew it was for him.

Well its about time for their walk so I'm gonna close now.Thank you again for a wonderful dog!"

Sounds like Yoji found the perfect home - awesome!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Sounds like hes got a great new home! WTG! What a cute dog! Here Via Michele.