Here is an update from Lucy's new family!
"She's a doll - she couldn't be a better match for us. When our snowbanks here got to the 4 ft fence top at one point, the dog next door decided to jump the fence to come over, and Lucie saw her jump back. And of course as smart as she is, the next cat she saw outside the yard, she went over as well. Man, she's got the husky run - she's like a bat outta hell when she takes off (but you know that breed aspect well!), but fortunately loves the car, so my daughter hopped in the car, followed her down several blocks racing through yards. She saw the car, and ran over and jumped in. Stinker. Of course, I have two collars with ID on her, plus the microchip, but I always panic she'd get hit by a car here, especially since her ADD diverts her in twenty directions at once.
Anyway, once she figured out it was easy to get over, we started tying her again in the yard while the snow was high. My hubby has since put up another foot extension on the top of the fence (with lattice, believe it or not). It looks good, and since she can't see out that part when she jumps up, she no longer does it. She'd rather

stay below in the chain link part to peruse the squirrel/cat outside activity. She minds the boundaries with our indoor cats, but any cat, squirrel, anything small and furry outside, is open game in her mind. I walk her every night, and if she sees a rock or something in a yard, she gets all excited thinking it's some creature. She's such a whack-job, she saw a squirrel walking on the wires one day when I was walking, so she prances along looking up the whole time (which looks hysterically strange), and in fact fell off the curb she was so busy NOT looking at the ground. Her growling

bit is almost non-existent now. We find when she's really beat, and ready to rest, she doesn't want to be bothered (can't blame her there), and sometimes will growl if disturbed. If she does that while she's on the couch, we still make her get down, and she goes to her bed and sleeps. Otherwise, she sleeps/sits with us there, and if we sleep downstairs, she sleeps with us. We'll be taking her camping the end of May -God help the furry creatures - she won't know where to look first!"
Congratulations Lucy, you found your perfect home!